
external page VieSched++ is a VLBI scheduling and simulation software, widely used in the IVS community. The software can be operated through a external page GUI, in batch mode via an XML input file, or fully automatically via a external page python framework. It comes with sophisticated algorithms for SX and VGOS 24-hour and Intensive sessions to generate schedules of highest quality.
The software is avaliable at: external page
Schartner, M. and Böhm, J. (2019). VieSched++: a new VLBI scheduling software for geodesy and astrometry. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131(1002), 084501. doi: external page 10.1088/1538-3873/ab1820

GNSS engine dedicated to the processing of diverse GNSS observations covering data collected with both low-cost devices and smartphones. The core of the software forms RTKLIB ver. 2.4.3 b34. The engine has been complemented with IAU SOFA routines and extended with additional usefull features such as multi-GNSS support, SINEX interface, or VTEC extraction based on the carrier-to-code levelling. Parameter estimation in CamaliotGNSS is performed with the use of an extended Kalman Filter (EKF) where the target and nuisance parameters are expressed as EKF states (epoch-wise state vectors and covariance matrices). In the case of post-processing, the parameter estimation is possible with either a forward-in-time filter, backward-in-time-filter or via the combined solution leveraging both forward and backward filter solutions.
Software Routines from the IAU SOFA Collection were used. Copyright ©International Astronomical Union Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (external page
- Kłopotek, G., Soja, B., Crocetti, L., Awadaljeed, M., Pan, Y., Rothacher, M., See, L., Weinacker, R., Sturn, T., McCallum, I., and Navarro, V. (2022). Exploring Crowdsourced GNSS Observations for Data Fusion with the Use of Machine Learning. 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS. Sofia, Bulgaria, September 14–16, doi: external page 10.3929/ethz-b-000571141.
- Takasu, T., and Yasuda, A. (2009) Development of the low-cost RTK-GPS receiver with an open source program package RTKLIB. International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, International Convention Center Jeju, Korea, November 4-6.