Geo Colloquium talk at TU Wien by Laura Crocetti

Last week, Laura Crocetti gave a talk in the "Geo Colloquium" series at TU Wien. She was invited by Prof. Johannes Böhm.
New publication by Gou et al. (2025)

"Downscaling GRACE-derived ocean bottom pressure anomalies using self-supervised data fusion" by Gou et al. (2025)
Congratulations Laura!

On the 4th of December, Laura Crocetti successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled "Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Detection of Spatio-Temporal Patterns linked to Geophysical Phenomena in GNSS Time Series".
New publication by Crocetti et al. (2024)

"ZWDX: a global zenith wet delay forecasting model using XGBoost" by Crocetti et al. (2024)
Snow Day 2025

Last week, on January 9th, the Snow Day of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry (IGP) took place.
Wanted: PhD in Machine Learning for VLBI

The Chair of Space Geodesy invites applications for an exciting PhD opportunity focused on advancing Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) research.
Congratulations Mostafa!

On the 19th of September, Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Geodetic time series analysis and prediction using machine learning".
New publications by Kiani Shahvandi et al. (2024)
New publications by Kiani Shahvandi et al. (2024).
AGU24 Annual Meeting

Benedikt Soja, Matthias Aichinger-Rosenberger, and Julia Azumi Koch participated in this year’s AGU24 in Washington, D.C from December 9-13.
Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2024

The 22nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting (SGM) took place on November 8–9, 2024, in Basel, Switzerland. Members of our research group actively participated, sharing their work and engaging in fruitful discussions.