Space Geodesy at IGS Workshop 2024

From 1-5 July 2024, the IGS workshop 2024 -as well as the 30th anniversary of IGS- took place in Bern, Switzerland. The Space Geodesy group was well represented with one oral presentation and four poster contributions as main authors.
New publication by Pan et al. (2024)

"Determination of high-precision tropospheric delays using crowdsourced smartphone GNSS data" by Pan et al. (2024)
IEEE IGARSS 2024 in Athens

The 44th annual “International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium" (IGARSS 2024) was held in Athens from 07-12 July 2024. Laura Crocetti and Shuyin Mao attended the conference and had a great time.
New publications by Kiani Shahvandi et al. (2024)

An international team of researchers have uncovered the influence of ongoing climate change on movement of the Earth's rotation axis (polar motion) and its rate of rotation (length of day).
"More precise monitoring of the global water cycle using artificial intelligence"

Our work was recently featured as a blog topic at globalwaterstorage.info.