Congratulations Endrit!
On the 13th of April, Endrit Shehaj successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Space Geodetic Techniques for Retrieval of High-Resolution Atmospheric Water Vapor Fields".
New publication
"MPG-NET: A low-cost, multi-purpose GNSS co-location station network for environmental monitoring" by Aichinger-Rosenberger et al. (2023)
Barbecue at ETH Hönggerberg
The BBQ season is opened! Last week, on June 6th, the Space Geodesy group organised a BBQ.
Welcome Sijie Lyu!
We are happy to announce that Sijie Lyu joined the Space Geodesy group as a visiting Ph.D. student.
The new GGOS Focus Area – AI for Geodesy
On May 12, 2023, the GGOS Coordinating Board accepted the proposal to establish a new GGOS Focus Area on Artificial Intelligence for Geodesy (AI4G).