- Select a set of historical representative space weather events to be analysed.
Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) 2 - Identify solar weather data sources publicly available.
- Determine key parameters and products (e.g. from space geodetic observation techniques, from solar satellite missions, ESA’s Space Situational Awareness Portal, NOAA’s SWPC, among other sources) affected by the selected space weather events.
- Identify the main parameters that could be useful to improve real time determination as well as prediction of ionospheric/plasmaspheric Vertical Total Electron Content and electron density estimates, in case of extreme solar weather conditions and distinguishing between different latitudes.
- Improving (near) real time determination of the electron density within the ionosphere and plasmasphere to detect space weather events in collaboration with JWG1.
- Combination of measurements and estimates derived from space geodetic observation techniques and from solar spacecraft missions by conducting extensive simulations, combining different data sets and testing different algorithms.
- Comparison and validation using external data, in particular data from spacecraft dedicated to monitoring the solar corona.
- Performance assessment of ionospheric estimates and predicted values in case ingesting solar data, against reference data (e.g. post-processing data, independent VTEC estimates from altimeter data).
- Interpretation of the results. Correlate acquired data/products with space weather events’ impact on geodetic applications (e.g. GNSS positioning, EGNOS performance degradation).