Prof. Dr. Benedikt Soja

Prof. Dr.  Benedikt Soja

Prof. Dr. Benedikt Soja

Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Deputy head of Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry

ETH Zürich

Professur für Weltraumgeodäsie

HPV G 54

Robert-Gnehm-Weg 15

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Employment record
since 2020      Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Space Geodesy, ETH Zurich
2019 – 2020    Scientist II, NASA JPL, Geodynamics and Space Geodesy
2016 – 2019    Postdoctoral researcher, NASA JPL, Geodyn. and Space Geodesy
2016 – 2016    Postdoctoral researcher, GFZ Potsdam, Space Geodetic Techniques
2013 – 2016    Project assistant “VLBI analysis in real-time”, GFZ Potsdam

2016     Ph.D. in “Geodesy and Geoinformation”, TU Vienna
2013     Diplom-Ingenieur (MSc) in “Geodesy and Geophysics”, TU Vienna

Selected awards
SNSF Starting Grant (2024)
Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award of the EGU Geodesy Division (2019)
Friedrich-Robert-Helmert Prize for best Ph.D. thesis at GFZ Potsdam in 2016/2017
Stipend of Excellence (Austrian Fed. Ministry of Science, Res. and Econ., 2017)
Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae (2017)
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at NASA JPL (2016)
Bernd Rendel prize for Geosciences 2015 (German Research Foundation, 2015)

Selected functions
Chair of GGOS Focus Area on AI for Geodesy (since 05/2023)
Chair of the International Association of Geodesy's Inter-Commission Committee on Theory Joint Study Group “Machine learning in geodesy” (2019-2023)
Vice-chair of GGOS Focus Area on Geodetic Space Weather Research Joint Working Group: “Improved understanding of space weather events and their monitoring by satellite missions” (2019-2023)
Convener for session “Data science and machine learning in geodesy” at EGU General Assembly 2021
Co-convener for session “Ionosphere, thermosphere and space weather: monitoring and modelling” at EGU General Assemblies 2020 and 2021
Co-editor of the Special Issue “Observing and Modelling Ionosphere and Thermosphere Using In Situ and Remote Sensing Techniques” in Remote Sensing (2020)

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