Space Geodesy at EGU2024

Last week, from 14-19 April 2024 the European Geoscience Union General Assembly (EGU2024) took place in Vienna and online. The Space Geodesy group was well represented with 8 oral contributions and 3 poster presentations as main authors and several contributions as co-authors. 

We enjoyed being in Vienna at EGU2024. Besides listening to interesting oral and poster presentations, the conference allowed to meet colleagues from all over the world. It was a nice opportunity to share our research and discuss our work with experts from different fields.

A highlight was that the external page "Data science and machine learning in geodesy" session, organized by Benedikt Soja et al., was very well attended. Additionally, we helped organize again the external page Geodesy 101 short course with good participation.

Space Geodesy at EGU2024
from left to right: Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi, Zhenyi Zhang, Junyang Gou, Matthias Aichinger-Rosenberger, Matthias Schartner, Yuanxin Pan, Laura Crocetti, Benedikt Soja, Xinyun Cao, Sijie Lyu, Marcel Iten, Shuyin Mao

Space Geodesy as main-author

Oral contributions

Poster contributions

Space Geodesy as co-author