Farewell BBQ for Greg and Federica

On July 27, 2023 the farewell BBQ for two of our colleagues took place at ETH Hönggerberg. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the event.

Grzegorz Kłopotek and Federica Fuso

After three years of fruitful collaboration, our esteemed colleague Grzegorz Kłopotek decided to leave the Space Geodesy group. He was the longest member of the Space Geodesy group and was the driving force behind the CAMALIOT project. We had a great time together and will definitely miss Greg in our group.
Thank you for everything you have done for the team! We wish you all the best and much sucess for your future! 

In addition, the time at ETH Zurich ended for Federica Fuso, who was a visiting Ph.D. student in the Space Geodesy group. During her time at ETH, Federica used machine learning algorithms to detect TEC signatures related to earthquakes and tsunamis. 
It was our pleasure to have you as a guest in our research group and we wish you all the best for your future!

Group picture of the farewell BBQ for Greg and Federica
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