Farewell BBQ for Gregor and Endrit
Last week, on August 22, 2023, another farewell BBQ was organized for our dear colleagues Gregor Moeller and Endrit Shehaj. It took place at ETH Hönggerberg in a nice atmosphere with lots of sun and good food.
Gregor Moeller joined the Mathematical and Physical Geodesy (MPG) group led by Prof. Markus Rothacher in 2019. His research focused on high-precision GNSS, precise orbit determination for dense nanosatellite constellations and formations and atmospheric remote sensing. Additionally, Gregor was very active in teaching and supervised a lot of Bachelor and Master theses and hold several lectures. Gregor is an excellent scientist and lecturer and was a highly appreciated colleague.
Thank you for all you have done during the time at ETH Zürich!
It was a pleasure working with you and we wish you all the best for your future!
At the same time, also our esteemed colleague Endrit Shehaj will leave our research group. He started to work at ETH Zürich in 2018 and his research focused on improving the knowledge of meteorological products derived from space geodetic technniques. Recently, he has finished his Ph.D. and now, the next chapter will start.
Many thanks for all you have done! It was a pleasure collaborating with you. We wish you the best in your future endeavors!