Space Geodesy @ 1st SMOS for Space Weather Workshop

The 1st SMOS for Space Weather Workshop organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) took place on 14 November at ESA-ESRIN (Italy) and online.  

1st SMOS Workshop

The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, launched on 2 November 2009, is one of the European Space Agency's Earth Explorer missions that provide global observations of variability in soil moisture and sea surface salinity from observations carried out in the L band. As a by-product, such measurements can be also utilized to extract data relevant for space weather and ionospheric research. The external page 1st SMOS for Space Weather Workshop brought together the SMOS team and people working in the field of space weather. The meeting covered the introduction to both the SMOS-derived solar flux data and vertical total electron content, complemented with presentations on recent achievements in the usage of such products. The Space Geodesy group had its contribution there with a short external page presentation on the utilization of SMOS solar flux data for VTEC forecasting in relation to the CAMALIOT project. Further information on the workshop can be found in the related external page article.

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