New publication

"Astrogeodätisches Profil am CERN" by Daniel Willi with contributions of Julia Koch.

Variants for the FCC. The FCC extends from the Jura almost to Annecy (F) and passes under Lake Geneva. © CERN

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the biggest collider of its type, is reaching its conclusion by 2040. In the scope of initial studies for a post-LHC particle accelerator, the design and feasibility of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN, with a circumference of around 100 km, are studied until 2025/2026. In the FCC-Geodesy project, that belongs to these initial studies, the reference network on the surface and in the tunnel is under development and a new high-precision geoid model for the significantly larger FCC area will be computed. The pre-alignment of the magnets and thrusters in the tunnel requires a high-precision geoid model with a precision of 30 μm over 225 m. Therefore, in a collaboration with swisstopo, HEIG-VD and CERN, we established a 40 km long geoid profile for the assessment of existing and more precise geoid models to be derived in the future for the region. This profile runs in a North-South direction through the area of interest and crosses the French-Swiss boarder twice.

In several measurement campaigns in 2021 and 2022, measurements at a spacing of approx. 1 km along the profile were carried out collecting

  1. astro-geodetic deflections of the vertical (DoV) with the CODIAC zenith camera,
  2. spirit levelling for height determination,
  3. corresponding gravimetric measurements and
  4. GNSS measurements.

This publication focuses on the first results of the measurements with the CODIAC zenith camera. It can be shown that the results coincide with the available swiss geoid model but due to the very high measurement density, very small-scale variations can be resolved.

More detailed information can be found in Fachzeitschrift «cadastre» 40 — Dezember 2022:
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