FroGS2022, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, Meet & Share Your Research Day
Recently there have been several conferences where the Space Geodesy group has contributed: FroGS2022, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team meeting, and Meet & Share your Research Day 2022.
REFAG 2022 and UAW 2022
In the week of 17th October, Benedikt Soja and Matthias Schartner attended the Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG 2022) conference in Thessaloniki (Greece).
New publication
"High-resolution tropospheric refractivity fields by combining machine learning and collocation methods to correct earth observation data" by Shehaj et al. (2022)
New publication
"Machine learning-based prediction of Alpine foehn events using GNSS troposphere products: first results for Altdorf, Switzerland" by Aichinger-Rosenberger et al. (2022)
Forecasts of Effective Angular Momentum available operationally
Effective Angular Momentum (EAM) functions of the earth are important quantities that relate the mass exchange in different earth environments (atmosphere, ocean, land, and sea level) to the physical properties of the earth, including earth orientation parameters. Forecasts of EAM functions are therefore important, because they fundamentally help in the prediction of time-dependent physical properties of the earth, like those related to its orientation.