Welcome Saniya Behzadpour!

We are happy to announce that Saniya Behzadpour joined the Space Geodesy group.


She finished her PhD at TU Graz, Austria, in July 2022 and starts now a new position as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich.
 Her PhD thesis was focused on improving the gravity field products based on data from the GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite missions. A special focus lied on improving accelerometer data, which in addition to the substantial advantage for gravity field research, is an important tool for space weather applications.

The focus of her future research will be to develop a multi-model prediction system for space weather disturbances and their impact on thermosphere through machine learning techniques. The prediction system gets the benefit of highly accurate GRACE/GRACE-FO accelerometer data as well as optical observations from SOHO/LASCO and STEREO missions to estimate the thermosphere time response to a solar event.

We are looking forward to working together and wish her a pleasant and fruitful time at her new position.

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