AGU Fall Meeting 2021
This year's AGU Fall Meeting was held in a hybrid form (online and onsite) during December 13th-17th. The Space Geodesy group was present virtually with two members, Mostafa Kiani Shahvandi and Benedikt Soja.
Mostafa presented a recent work on length of day time series prediction using a new deep learning architecture called quantum long short-term memory. The presentation was given in the session "Proven AI/ML applications in the Earth Sciences". Further information can be found at external page

Benedikt Soja, on behalf of co-authors from ETH, IIASA, and ESA, gave a presentation on machine learning and IoT for atmospheric monitoring using GNSS data from smartphones. The presentation was given in the session "Applications of Low-Cost, Mass-Market, and Consumer-Grade GNSS in Geosciences".
The online “eLigntning” poster is currently accessible at:
external page
First results of the related CAMALIOT project have been published here:
Navarro, Vicente, Grieco, Raffaella, Soja, Benedikt, Nugnes, Marco, Klopotek, Grzegorz, Tagliaferro, Giulio, See, Linda, Falzarano, Roberto, Weinacker, Rudolf, VenturaTraveset, Javier, "Data Fusion and Machine Learning for Innovative GNSS Science Use Cases," Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2021), St. Louis, Missouri, September 2021, pp. 2656-2669. external page