Open theses and project topics

Details about the currently avaliable topics can be found on SiROP. The categories (Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis and Semester Project) are primarily recommendations. Depending on the topic, it might be possible to adapt the scope to make it suitable for a different type of thesis/project.

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Total Electron Content Derived from Smartphone GNSS Data for Ionosphere Monitoring

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a well-recognized technique for ionosphere monitoring as additional signal contributions, that GNSS signals experience while traversing the ionosphere, are proportional to the total electron content (TEC). Currently, the operational and publicly available GNSS-based global ionosphere maps are exclusively derived from slant TEC (STEC) acquired using geodetic-grade receivers. GNSS observations that are potentially available at large scale from affordable smart devices, such as smartphones, could form an attractive source of information to improve the spatio-temporal resolution of GNSS data sets that are available for the analysis in this subject. Since 2016, Android phone users can access the raw GNSS data within smartphones. In addition, modern smartphones can track nowadays dual-frequency multi-GNSS signals, which makes extraction of carrier-phase-based VTEC possible. The Space Geodesy group at ETH Zurich initialized a crowdsourcing campaign in March 2022 for collecting smartphone observations from interested participants. Up to now, several TBs of smartphone GNSS data has been collected globally, which provides a great opportunity to study the potential of ionosphere modelling using smartphones.


smartphone, GNSS, ionosphere monitoring, Toal Electron Content,


Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)


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Published since: 2025-03-19 , Earliest start: 2025-01-01 , Latest end: 2025-09-30

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Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Impact of satellite mega-constellations on VLBI observations

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is versatile space geodetic technique, measuring radiation from extragalactic radio sources. VLBI supports a wide range of applications, including the determination of the terrestrial and celestial reference frames, measurements of the full set of Earth orientation parameters, and the determination of geophysical models. Due to its observation principle, VLBI observations have to be actively planned and organized between the radio telescopes. In recent years, a dramatic growth in the number of satellites emitting radio frequencies can be seen. Most notably is the Starlink system, with more than five thousand satellites being in orbit already. These satellite mega-constellations threaten VLBI observations since their emitted artificial radio signals interferes with the natural radio signal emitted from the extragalactic radio sources, especially if the satellite is aligned with the observed radio source. So far, no active measures are in place to avoid VLBI observations in such cases.


VLBI, satellite mega-constellations, Starlink, satellite orbit


Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)


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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

VLBI local baseline observations at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell

To provide the geodetic infrastructure necessary for monitoring the Earth system and for Global Change research, an end-to-end redesign of the current geodetic VLBI operations called the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) is underway. In this framework, new radio telescopes are constructed worldwide. These new telescopes form an independent network that has to be linked to the legacy station network that already has a decade-long observing history. The Geodetic Observatory Wettzell is equipped with three radio telescopes, one 20-meter large legacy antenna that has been operational since 1983 and has contributed the most VLBI measurements worldwide, as well as two new 13-meter large VGOS-style telescopes. By using specially designed VLBI observation sessions between these three telescopes, it is possible to calculate the local baselines between the telescopes with highest accuracy, helping to link the legacy network to the VGOS network.


VLBI, scheduling


Bachelor Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Ionospheric electron content from Kalman filtering VLBI data

The ionosphere causes delays in radio signals, measured by Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC). This project replaces the least squares (LSQ) algorithm with a Kalman Filter (KF) for more accurate and adaptable VTEC estimation from VLBI data under dynamic ionospheric conditions.


Ionosphere, Kalman Filter, Stochastic Models, VLBI, VGOS.


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Detection of Atmospheric Rivers using GNSS Zenith Wet Delay

This project aims to develop a machine learning framework for detecting landfalling atmospheric rivers by using GNSS-derived zenith wet delays. The goal is to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of GNSS data for atmospheric river detection, potentially providing an additional, valuable tool for monitoring and prediction.


atmospheric rivers, GNSS, zenith wet delay, machine learning


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Analysis of Digital Elevation Models for the CERN region

Thanks to dedicated space missions, such as SRTM and TanDEM-X, and the thorough processing of their observations, DEMs are generally available for all parts of the world with consistent accuracy and resolution. Furthermore, regional models for areas such as Europe or Switzerland are available, often derived from photogrammetry and dedicated radar flights. The absolute vertical error is typically reported to range from 1 m to 10 m. However, local errors can vary significantly depending on data restrictions, data collection methods, processing techniques, and local topographic conditions.


Digital Elevation Model, relative errors, interpolation methods


Bachelor Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Automated VLBI data analysis pipeline

Over the past four decades, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data analysis has relied heavily on manual processing by various analysts, introducing inherent human biases and leading to inconsistent results. Automating VLBI analysis stands to revolutionize this field by not only simplifying the workflow but also significantly enhancing the quality and consistency of data interpretation.


VLBI, data analysis, automation


Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)


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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Analyzing and Exploiting Discrepancies in GNSS Solutions of Different Latencies with Machine Learning

The Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) is a global provider of GNSS solutions, offering data for approximately 20,000 stations worldwide. This includes both daily coordinate estimates and final solutions at a 5-minute resolution. While these final solutions typically exhibit a latency of about 2 weeks, the potential for additional solutions with shorter latency is recognized. Specifically, approximately 9,000 stations are poised for rapid solutions with a latency of around 24 hours, while 640 stations are designated for ultra-rapid solutions with a mere 2-hour latency. This extensive dataset presents a compelling opportunity for the application of machine learning (ML).


Machine learning, GNSS, coordinate, troposphere, earth observation data


Semester Project , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Data Screening and Homogenization of Long-Term GNSS-based PWV Products

Developing efficient and effective pipelines for implementing advanced data screening and homogenization methods to obtain clean and homogenized long-term GNSS-based precipitable water vapor time series.


GNSS, PWV, data screening, homogenization


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Calibration of Low-cost GNSS Antennas Using a Robot Arm

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) serves as a versatile tool in both scientific research and everyday life. However, the Phase Center Offset (PCO) and Variation (PCV) models of GNSS antennas are necessary for high-precision demanding applications, such as accurate attitude determination for nano satellites and the determination of station coordinates at mm-level. The robot arm-based calibration method can achieve absolute antenna calibration with full coverage of azimuth and elevation angles, and thus it is commonly employed for calibration of geodetic GNSS antennas. Nowadays, low-cost GNSS antennas are extensively utilized across various applications owing to their cost-effectiveness. However, such low-cost antennas typically lack the necessary PCO and PCV models, impeding their broader applications. The primary objective of this thesis is to calibrate of several low-cost GNSS antennas using a robot arm located on the rooftop of the HPV building at the ETH Hönggerberg campus. The antennas include products from taoglas and Frauenhofer designed for nano satellites, as well as several smartphone antennas. Additional experiments will be designed to validate and apply the obtained antenna models, with a focus on enhancing attitude determination, positioning accuracy and tropospheric delay determination. Successful completion of this thesis will equip the student the skills to operate the robot arm and a comprehensive understanding of the antenna calibration process.


GNSS, antenna calibration, low-cost receiver, robot arm


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Implementation of factor graph optimization in RTKLIB for enhanced GNSS positioning

Traditional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning algorithms mostly rely on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). While EKF is efficient in real-time applications, it has limitations, particularly in handling complex, nonlinear systems and large amounts of data. In recent years, Factor Graph Optimization (FGO) emerged as a more flexible and robust alternative. FGO represents the GNSS problem as a graph where variables (e.g., positions, velocities) are connected by factors (e.g., observations, motion models). Unlike EKF, FGO does not rely on sequential processing of data, allowing for more accurate, batch-based optimization of all variables simultaneously. This holistic approach can more effectively integrate various data sources and detect outliers, promissingly leading to improved performance, particularly in complex environments.


Factor graph optimization, FGO, GNSS, RTKLIB


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Development of a Visualization Tool for the Geopotential

Our lives on Earth are greatly influenced by the geopotential and its variation based on location, yet understanding it is often challenging. Therefore, a visualization tool is needed to show how changes in the Earth's shape and density affect the geopotential and its derivatives.


Earth, Geopotential, Topography, Density anomaly


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Implementing a dynamic noise model to improve drone-based GNSS RTK tropospheric estimation

A dynamic tropospheric process noise model will be implemented into GNSS real time kinematic (RTK) algorithms to improve the estimation of drone-based GNSS zenith total delays (ZTDs).


GNSS, drone, tropospheric process noise, atmospheric monitoring


Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Gaussian Processes for Ionospheric Modelling

This thesis explores ionospheric modeling using GNSS and potentially VLBI data, employing Gaussian Process regression to address the non-linear behaviors and noise inherent in such data. The study focuses on enhancing predictive accuracy and the quantification of uncertainties in ionospheric variations, which are essential for improving global navigation and communication systems.


Ionosphere, GNSS, VLBI, Gaussian Processes, machine learning


Bachelor Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Regional Geoid Modeling

This master thesis aims to explore the application of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to regional geoid modeling. PINNs integrate physical constraints into neural network architectures, offering a novel approach to accurate geoid modeling while maintaining interpretability.


Regional geoid modeling, Gravity field, Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN), Machine learning


Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

Quantifying contributions of individual water storage components to terrestrial water storage using a generative model

In this study, the student should develop a generative model to separate the total signals measured by GRACE(-FO) satellite missions into the contributions of individual water storage components. The results will be evaluated by comparing them with independent in-situ and satellite-based storage observations. The findings of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the terrestrial water cycle from a global perspective.


Terrestrial water storage, GRACE(-FO), Hydrological model, Generative model


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-03-19

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Space Geodesy (Prof. Soja)

Hosts Soja Benedikt

Topics Engineering and Technology , Earth Sciences

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